Don’t Go, Hill, Says Columbia Prof

Photo: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images

The pundits say it’s time for Hillary Clinton to leave the presidential race. But a Columbia professor is less certain. Research shows that when a CEO is fired for incompetence, his successor is likely to be mature and competent-looking, says marketing prof Gita Johar, who studies these things. She recently showed pictures of the two Democratic candidates to 150 subjects. “Obama was perceived to be more honest,” Johar says, noting a likely subconscious association with babies, who share his large eyes, round face, and small nose. Clinton’s more angular face seems “more mature, meaning she is seen as very competent,” Johar says. That’s good news for her. “Bush is seen as being both dishonest and incompetent,” the professor says, “but more incompetent.”

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Don’t Go, Hill, Says Columbia Prof