Katie Couric Is Ready for Rhyme Time

Photo: Patrick McMullan

Maybe Katie Couric’s ratings would improve if CBS would let her rhyme. At a Sarah Silverman concert to benefit Project A.L.S. on May 9, Couric admitted that while she doesn’t write songs about pooping her pants, like Silverman does, she composes other verse. “I write little poems for special occasions,” she said, “but usually not to music.” She planned to write one for a friend’s upcoming birthday party: “Nifty 50? I’ll figure something out.” She said she’s most proud of an ode to Martha Stewart. “She was getting an award, and I think I said, ‘Marzipan, tarte Tatin, coq au vin / Bruschetta, pancetta’s not all you can do / Your holiday meals are a feast for the eyes / Why can’t you use Stove Top and Mrs. Smith’s pies?’” Couric recited. “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

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Katie Couric Is Ready for Rhyme Time