Samantha Stein Wells, whose mother, celebrity real-estate agent Linda Stein, was murdered in October, wrote a children’s book that helped Wells console her 3-year-old daughter, Dora, after Stein’s death. Found!, illustrated by Brazilian pop artist Romero Britto, is about a place things go to when they’re lost. “The things that are lost find this other world and are no longer worried,” explains Wells. “The horrible day I had to tell Dora about my mother, I didn’t know how to do it. Dora knows that she’s gone to this other place, but she still asks why we can’t call her there.” Wells and her co-author, Katy Goldman, are shopping the book now. “My mother always had a dream that my book would buy her a place on the water in the south of France,” Wells says. “Obviously, I won’t be able to do that now.”
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