Brooklyn Bargains Move Indoors for Winter

The Brooklyn Flea closes for the season on December 21, but an indoor version will open on January 10. The “Pop-Up Flea” will take place in Dumbo, and it’ll run for twelve weekends. “We’ve been thinking about what we want to do in the winter,” says Flea master Eric Demby. “New York’s the kind of place where it’s like, ‘Everyone loves the Flea,’ and you go away for three months and everyone’s like, ‘What flea market?’ ” The space can only accommodate 30 vendors—about a fifth of regular capacity—and it’ll be mostly antiques and vintage sellers. There’ll be “no new stuff, no handmade stuff,” says Demby, but there’ll be one or two “interesting food trucks” out front. And bathrooms. “That’s a huge thing,” he says.

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Brooklyn Bargains Move Indoors for Winter