Out magazine has two unwilling names on its “Power 50” list this year: IAC chairman Barry Diller and blogger Matt Drudge. Neither is openly gay, but “it’s a matter of calling them out on their misplaced coyness,” said editor Aaron Hicklin, noting that no list of very influential gays would be complete without them. Out has done this trick before—Anderson Cooper and a then-closeted Jodie Foster were on the list in 2007. Diller did not respond to requests for comment, but the Drudge write-up—“The archly conservative 42-year-old … also happens to love Chaka Khan, The Young and the Restless, and sex with men … Unfortunately, his agenda is often anti-gay, anti-choice, and anti-tolerance”—got a quick response. “False. False. False,” Drudge e-mailed us. “I do not love sex with men. My site is not anti-gay. I present both sides of the anti-choice-life issue. I am not anti-tolerant! Except against big-government freaks. I liked Chaka in the eighties, and have not watched Young and the Restless in twenty years! But I do watch Judge Judy!”
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