- October 9, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Good-bye, Mr. Chips
When other tech stocks broke and ran this year, plucky Intel held firm and kept the dream of another tech rally alive. But now even die-hard true believers are asking: Et tu, Intel?
- September 25, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- He Got Me!
One of Howard Kurtz's targets in "The Fortune Tellers," his harsh indictment of financial journalists, is a manic, overemotional wild man named Jim Cramer. No relation, of course.
- September 11, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Bull and Gore
If your passion is short-selling or bonds, by all means pull the lever for Bush and his tax cut. But if you want to work the upside, Gore's your candidate.
- August 28, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Survivor!
When the merger with Time Warner was announced, we all thought high-flying AOL was getting shafted; now it looks like the smartest move a dot-com ever made.
- August 7, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Happy Landings
Making money in this new market has gotten tough, but as the economy glides in for its soft landing, where should smart investors position themselves for the best ride?
- July 17, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- The Wire This Time
You can't get a decent, reliable high-speed Internet connection in the city yet, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be making money in broadband stocks right now!
- June 26, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Short People
Throughout the decade-long bull market, I often missed the thrills and chills of serious short selling; luckily, for those of us with a taste for the downside, good times are back.
- June 12, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Bombs Away!
So what if tech tanked? Before it bounces back, there's money to be made in less glamorous sectors, like tobacco and defense. (What, you got a problem with that?)
- May 29, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Take a Hike!
So Alan Greenspan really thinks he can quench my desire for stocks by raising interest rates a few measly notches? Come on, man, your rate hikes just make me hotter!
- May 15, 2000 | The Bottom Line
- Soros Losers
When Wall Street insiders like George Soros start panicking -- and that's all the insiders seem to do these days -- it's time for you and me to stay cool and shop for bargains.