- August 9, 1999 | Feature
- 3BR, Riv Vu, Dirt-Cheap, Scary . . .
- July 26, 1999 | Feature
- Return Fire
The Brooklyn gun-case lawyers take aim again -- as NAACP sharpshooters.
- July 12, 1999 | Feature
- The High Cost of Leaving
With rent control and stabilization at death's door, landlords are giving tenants damn near anything they want to just scram.
- June 28, 1999 | Feature
- Tootsie Cop
Club Edelweiss skirted the police for years. But there was something about Cindy. . .
- June 14, 1999 | Feature
- Hard-Pressed
The first step in Rudy's Senate run? Make peace with the media.
- June 7, 1999 | Feature
- Best-Laid Plans
Thirty years later, a quixotic city scheme looks prescient -- except for that extra airport
- May 31, 1999 | Profile
- Good-bye, Mr. Snips
- May 24, 1999 | Feature
- Beyond the Fringe
A stage fight breaks out downtown.
- May 3, 1999 | Class Action
- Tutoring Tycoons
With the Principal for a Day program -- and a lot of friendly strong-arming -- Lisa Belzberg is getting the power elite to do its public-school work.
- April 26, 1999 | Profile
- A Born Liter: RFK Jr. Bottles a Cause