Mark Jacobson Archive -- New York Magazine

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Mark Jacobson

August 30, 2010 | Features
Muhammad Comes to Manhattan

The imbroglio over the ground-zero mosque, like all New York stories, is about the clashing dreams of ordinary folks�and, of course, real estate.

June 28, 2010 | Encounter
49 Minutes With Al Pacino

Under a tree in the park, considering Shylock, the troublesome Merchant of Venice, and his role playing that role.

June 14, 2010 | Intelligencer

Fear in New Orleans.

April 19, 2010 | Encounter
49 Minutes With Paul Verhoeven

The auteur of Showgirls and RoboCop wants to make a movie of what he sees as the historical, Che Guevara�like Jesus Christ, stripped of his miracle-working divinity.

September 21, 2009 | Features
The Splitting Image of Pot

On the one hand, marijuana is practically legal�more mainstream, accessorized, and taken for granted than ever before. On the other, kids are getting busted in the city in record numbers. Guess which kids.

May 11, 2009 |
Anthony and the Giant

The mayor, having used his billions to bully Anthony Weiner out of the race, is still pounding him. Which says something about the mayor, and about the resilience of Weiner’s ambition.

April 13, 2009 |
Nate Robinson Blasts Off

In an otherwise forgettable season, the shortest player in the NBA gave an unforgettable performance.

March 23, 2009 | Feature
The Homeless Life and Times of Cadillac Man

Northern Queens’s most famous homeless person was making his thrice-weekly commute between his two homes.

February 23, 2009
No Kiss Kiss, All Bang Bang

Spielberg-loving, Spike Lee�attacking critic Armond White is the film world’s brother from another planet.

October 20, 2008 | Features
Sarah Palin’s Heaven

Wasilla�moose, malls, and snow machines in the most beautiful landscape on earth�is paradise for a certain kind of person. So why would a real Alaskan go anywhere else?