John Leonard Archive - New York Magazine

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John Leonard

March 5, 2007
Barbarians II

As if the Huns, Goths, Vikings, and Mongols of three years ago weren’t enough, the History Channel returns with four more hours of rape and pillage.

March 5, 2007
Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?

According to Independent Lens and filmmaker Frank Popper the answer is a resonant �maybe.�

March 5, 2007
Emerald Ire

The Black Donnellys presents a smart�if familiar� take on Irish guts and guilt.

February 26, 2007
The Ad Hoc Behavioral Laboratory

Abu Ghraib, from all the angles.

February 12, 2007
Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life

From the Emmy-winning writer-producer-director Robert Levi comes this enthralling documentary film on the composer, arranger, and pianist that is, as well, a celebration of big bands like Duke Ellington’s, an account of Strayhorn’s troubles as a gay man in the homophobic jazz world of the forties and fifties, and a case history of Oedipal struggle.

February 12, 2007

While I can’t imagine why we’d want another Dracula, this one’s sturdy enough. Next time, though, how about a subtext that speaks to the feeding frenzies of HMOs, Microsoft Windows, and Donald Trump?

February 12, 2007
Down the Hatch

Lost returns with more questions, few answers, and an audience whose patience is wearing thin.

February 5, 2007
The Supreme Court

This thoughtful, earnest, and perhaps a shade too on-the-one-hand, on-the-other mini-series, escorting us with many a wise talking head emphasizes one irony while ignoring another.

February 5, 2007
Bad Girls

Don’t imagine you are tuning in to The L Word behind bars. Bad Girls is much better than that�it has a rough Oz edge and some of the feminist wit of Jonathan Demme’s Caged Heat.

February 5, 2007
Marriage Is Easy. Comedy Is Hard.

On his new sitcom, David Spade trots out old gags about couples, while 30 Rock’s leading lady frets that she’s not in one.