- March 5, 2007
- Barbarians II
As if the Huns, Goths, Vikings, and Mongols of three years ago weren’t enough, the History Channel returns with four more hours of rape and pillage.
- March 5, 2007
- Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?
According to Independent Lens and filmmaker Frank Popper the answer is a resonant �maybe.�
- March 5, 2007
- Emerald Ire
The Black Donnellys presents a smart�if familiar� take on Irish guts and guilt.
- February 26, 2007
- The Ad Hoc Behavioral Laboratory
Abu Ghraib, from all the angles.
- February 12, 2007
- Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life
From the Emmy-winning writer-producer-director Robert Levi comes this enthralling documentary film on the composer, arranger, and pianist that is, as well, a celebration of big bands like Duke Ellington’s, an account of Strayhorn’s troubles as a gay man in the homophobic jazz world of the forties and fifties, and a case history of Oedipal struggle.
- February 12, 2007
- Dracula
While I can’t imagine why we’d want another Dracula, this one’s sturdy enough. Next time, though, how about a subtext that speaks to the feeding frenzies of HMOs, Microsoft Windows, and Donald Trump?
- February 12, 2007
- Down the Hatch
Lost returns with more questions, few answers, and an audience whose patience is wearing thin.
- February 5, 2007
- The Supreme Court
This thoughtful, earnest, and perhaps a shade too on-the-one-hand, on-the-other mini-series, escorting us with many a wise talking head emphasizes one irony while ignoring another.
- February 5, 2007
- Bad Girls
Don’t imagine you are tuning in to The L Word behind bars. Bad Girls is much better than that�it has a rough Oz edge and some of the feminist wit of Jonathan Demme’s Caged Heat.
- February 5, 2007
- Marriage Is Easy. Comedy Is Hard.
On his new sitcom, David Spade trots out old gags about couples, while 30 Rock’s leading lady frets that she’s not in one.