1. New York received six nominations in the American Society of Magazine Editors’ Covers of the Year contest; you can vote for your favorite at Amazon.com/bestcovers. Which we trust—er, hope—will include at least one of the following:
News & Business
Bernie Madoff, Monster
March 2, 2009
Illustration by Darrow for New York.
Fashion & Beauty
Kate Moss, Raw
February 23, 2009
Photograph by Bert Stern for New York, London, January 2009.
Fashion & Beauty
New York Look
Fall 2008
Photograph by Christopher Anderson/Magnum for New York Look, New York, February 7, 2008.
Science, Technology & Nature
The Attention Crisis—And Why Distraction May Actually Be Good For You
May 25, 2009
Typography/design by Chris Dixon/New York.
The New New Face
August 11, 2008
Photograph by Dimitrios Kambouris/ WireImage.
Fall Fashion: Men’s Edition (Rafael Nadal)
August 25, 2008
Photograph by Nigel Parry for New York, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 29, 2008.
2. Readers responded to the Fall Preview issue (August 31–September 7), our compendium of all that’s good and/or new and/or interesting about the autumn, with their own takes:
On Daniel Craig’s and Hugh Jackman’s acting abilities: “Craig has a vast depth of work that is varied and different. He is a charming if not shy man in interviews and is quick to smile and laugh. Jackman also has emotional and jarring roles under his belt. He is not an actor to be taken lightly. This slam on both of them is completely undeserved.”
On Glee star Lea Michele: “I had the pleasure of seeing her perform in Spring Awakening in my last visit to NYC. Huge talent! Can’t wait for the show to start.” … “She would really make a hot tranny.”
On Jets QB Mark Sanchez: “A hotter photo was in order for this article.”
On pop star Amanda Blank: “She is my hero” … “She is the future” … “Love Amanda— it’s only a matter of time before she blows up.”
On new places opening in the meatpacking district: “If possible, this will make Denis Leary even more cranky.”
On Mayor Bloomberg: “A man of vision.” … “Mike already served two terms, and he did more good for New York City than his last two predecessors together.” … “Thompson has no chance. The end.”
On the new bakery opening in the old Vesuvio Bakery space: “Not only is this a best-case-scenario renewal of NYC but I’ll no longer have to walk over to the West Village for a chocolate-chip cookie. Consider me a future regular.”
On Sienna Miller: “I thought she was so amazing as Edie—I hope she gets the (positive) attention she deserves.”
Correction: In the “Fitness” section of the Fall Preview issue, Equinox’s 2009 monthly membership rate was incorrectly listed as $142, compared to $160 in 2007. The comparable rate for 2009 is actually $173.
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