July 16, 2007 Issue

Cover Story
Alas, Poor Couric
Katie Couric, famous gams now hidden behind an anchor desk, is learning what happens when great expectations go unmet. �The biggest mistake we made is we tried new things,� she says of the downwardly spiraling ratings that greeted the CBS Evening News shortly after she took over. Maybe, just maybe, she admits, her headline-making career move wasn’t the smartest idea after all.
The Believer
Gerald Levin’s faith is what made him such a visionary, if ultimately doomed, media mogul. Now the former Time Warner CEO is channeling that ability to see what others don’t into a soon-to-be-bicoastal high-end wellness center (complete with drum circles and brain-wave readers), which he runs with his new wife, who speaks to the dead.
How Rap Cat Made It Into This Headline
The Rap Cat phenomenon, a viral marketing campaign, was designed specifically to garner the attention we’re giving it right here. Its creators are part of a boutique-advertising boom that’s filling downtown lofts with Internet geeks and Webcams. Plus: Three micro-firms pitch ad campaigns for two difficult brands, Blockbuster and Maalox.
McNightmare for Dream Weaver
Who’s at fault for the McCain money meltdown?
The Flat Beneath Her Feet
Padma Lakshmi's hunt for a pad.
Good-bye, Sailor
Mogul's megayacht won’t dock in New York.
�Rescue Dawn’ Star Is Bale and Hearty
Unruffled by maggots, diets, radioactivity.
Drama Queen of Darfur
Ann Curry in a hurry.
It Happened Last Week
As the rockets’ red glare faded over New York Harbor and the city awaited the auspicious date of 7/7/07, residents had reason to feel lucky.
Cineplex and the City
What is the point, exactly, of a Sex and the City movie?
Who will catch The Wall Street Journal’s stars?
Jersey Girls
Fouling out at the Nets dance team open-call tryouts. �You’ve got to sell it!�
The Power Grid
Hillary Clinton’s position on globalization is creeping further away from Bill’s embrace of free trade.
Best Bets
An inexpensive game of horseshoes and other diversions for the bored beachgoer.
Shop News
New store openings this week.
Look Book
A graphic designer with a fresh mustache and a tight seventies style.
Restaurant Review
A revamped Provence surpasses the original.
In Season
Often described as a cross between butter and romaine lettuces, sucrine is sweet and nutty, with a thick-leafed, almost velvety texture.
Insatiable Critic
No surprise at all that Park Avenue Summer feels so summery�shiny white panels glowing, tall reeds and grasses dividing the room in a smart AvroKO design.
Restaurant Openings
Week of July 16, 2007: The Diamond, Oklahoma Smoke BBQ, and Sea Salt.
Now Accepting Working Guests
A foodie B&B in Long Island.
The Everything Guide to Ballparks
An in-depth user’s manual to New York’s Shea and Yankee stadiums, including tips on buying tickets, where the best seats are, and spectator etiquette.
Real Estate
Soho’s artist-in-residence zoning laws are suddenly being taken seriously.
Burnt Sienna
Sienna Miller, who plays a bitchy tabloid princess in Interview, doesn’t think all journalists are slimeballs�just most.
The Movie Review
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is surprisingly suitable for adult viewing.
The DVD Filter
Amid the flood of digital-video docs, rapid-fire TV pieces, partisan screeds, and embedded reports rushing out of Iraq, James Longley’s Iraq in Fragments will outlast them all.
The Pop Music Review
Suzanne Vega has a haunting, career-revitalizing new album.
Five Great Vega Songs That Aren’t �Luka� or �Tom’s Diner�
"The Queen and the Soldier," "Left of Center," and more.
The People’s Soprano
Remembering Beverly Sills.
The Art Review
The European trifecta.
Is This Thriller Worth Getting?
Which new thrillers to buy.
The Theater Review
Why bother producing a play like Old Acquaintance?
Bronx Bomber: John Turturro
John Turturro speaks about playing Yankees manager Billy Martin.
The Approval Matrix: Week of July 16, 2007
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
The Week
Domestic Affairs
Two artists, one German, one American, reimagine historical motifs from home.
This Thing of Ours
A participatory show you can’t refuse.
Head for the Hills
The summer music festivals are in full swing. These concerts are all readily accessible from the city, and are played in a decidedly more peaceful setting.
Parlor Game
A pizza boomlet in a city that never tires of the stuff.
Where to Eat at the Essex Street Market
Despite the appearance of a few new places to grab a bite, the Lower East Side market is in no danger of becoming the Time Warner Center.
Midsummer in Midtown
Our picks from the Midtown International Theatre Festival, which returns with an assortment of new performances, readings, and talk-backs.
Just Chill
Highlights from the fourteenth annual Ice Factory festival of new shows by innovative theater companies.
Comments: July 16, 2007
Readers sound off on Lily Allen, food carts, and more.
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