First you nap. Then you read. Then you go for a walk. Then you have a beer. That’s one day on the beach. What do you do for the rest of the summer? And no, putting your face into Blackberry’s BrickBreaker is not an option. Channel your energy into a game of horseshoes; a set is inexpensive, transportable, and simple enough for intergenerational use. Royal Classic’s Championship set ($29.99 at Paragon, 867 Broadway, nr. 19th St.; 212-255-8036) is packaged in a handled case that’s relatively easy to schlep to the beach. For more beach and backyard play, click ahead.

XXL Dominoes
Giant Garden dominoes look like Pop Art sculpture against the lawn ($18.95 at the Compleat Strategist, 11 E. 33rd St., nr. Fifth Ave.; 212-685-3880).

Use Ocean Breeze Power
Unfurl the wings and attach the lines, and the Storm Series kite is ready to fly ($60 at FAO Schwarz, 767 Fifth Ave., nr. 59th St.; 212-644-9400).

Barefoot Bowling
Set up the Italian classic Birilli and aim for the center kingpin ($69 at Smith & Hawken, 394 W. Broadway, nr. Spring St.; 212-925-1190).

A Ball to Get Behind
Exercise balls are durable and teach children agility. At season’s end, deflate and stow (Gymnic ball, $39 at Baby Moves, 139 Perry St., nr. Greenwich St.; 212-255-1685).

Cocktail-Hour Croquet
A well-built croquet set like this one has reinforced mallet heads to prevent splitting ($150 at Restoration Hardware, 935 Broadway, nr. 22nd St.; 212-260-9479).

In Case of Family Picnics
Keep a badminton set. Few are as complete as this one, with rackets, shuttlecocks, net, and canvas case ($59 at Restoration Hardware, 935 Broadway, nr. 22nd St.; 212-260-9479).

Bored at the Pool?
Torpedo unsuspecting swimmers with this remote-controlled robotic shark ($99.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer, 147 E. 57th St., nr. Lexington Ave.; 212-421-9000).

For the Beach
Build Better Castles
The Super Deluxe Sand Sculpting Kit has the hoes, the shapers, and an instructional DVD to help you realize your architectural ambitions ($15 at FAO Schwarz, 767 Fifth Ave., nr. 59th St.; 212-644-9400).

Baseball in the Sand
With three plastic balls included, all you need are bases (use your flip-flops) (Franklin Sports Bat and Ball, $11.99 at Modell’s, 51 E. 42nd St., nr. Madison Ave.; 212-661-4242).

Get Off Your Butt
A net isn’t needed to play the addictive Prokadima, but motivation definitely is ($6.99 at Paragon, 867 Broadway, nr. 19th St.; 212-255-8036).

Stylized Sand Scoops
It’s a pail. It’s a scoop. It’s a shell collector. It floats (Bilibo Mini toys, $15 at Kid O, 123 W. 10th St., nr. Greenwich St.; 212-366-5436).