November 19, 2007 Issue

Cover Story
Mrs. Astor's Baby
Eighty-three-year-old Anthony Marshall spends his days trying to convince the courts�and himself�that his mother loved him and felt guilty enough about her failings as a parent to transfer a huge amount of money to him before she died. The courts, at least, don’t seem to buy it.
The Embers of Gentrification
A few years ago, it seemed that bourgeois New York, like the universe, was expanding infinitely. But the Red Hook Real-Estate Slowdown Theory of Yuppie-Hipster Equilibrium suggests otherwise.
How Race Is Lived in America
Pioneering Times managing editor Gerald Boyd, in spite of his efforts to live a color-blind life, was shaped by race: It lifted him, proved the subject of a journalistic triumph, and eventually destroyed his career.
Kerik Loses His Lucky Lawyer
Tacopina got him that good deal last time.
The Surreal Marc Has Designs on TV
Finds himself entertaining.
Doctor! Give Me a Job
Development czar Doctoroff "wants to run his own show."
A Brief Truce in the Spitz-Bruno War
Governor calls about Joe's sick wife.
Torre Says His Dodgers Like A-Rod
L.A. may be willing to pay and pay to get him to play.
It Happened Last Week: Infatuations
Some weeks, it’s impossible not to feel the love.
Shelly Lives
The afterlife of a filmmaker.
His Moment of Zen
On the barricades with the head writer of The Daily Show.
Edifice Bets
Wall Street bonuses are expected to be down 15 percent this year—and may go down more in 2008. So who will buy all the high-end condos being built?
Expatriate Games
Olivier Sarkozy might like the USA even more than his presidential brother.
Street Justice
Merrill Lynch’s Stan O’Neal and Citigroup’s Chuck Prince racked up billions in losses�and got exactly what they deserved.
The Everything Guide to Pests
It is possible to live vermin-free in New York.
Look Book
"I tend to do a schoolboy-orphan look, with maybe a touch of Hermès."
Best Bets
Surviving the winter playdate by having activities close at hand.
Serious Deals
The mammoth 7th on Sale sample sale has been marking down designer goods since 1990, with all proceeds going to HIV/aids-related funds.
Brandy Cusamano of Space NK
'My mother was a stylist, so I grew up in a hair salon.'
Restaurant Review
Allen & Delancey brings classical cooking to the Lower East Side.
In Season Recipe
Revered in France and especially Italy for its slightly bitter and herby flavor, the cardoon has only recently begun to make a name for itself on local menus.
Insatiable Critic
The team that created the brilliant and refined tasting menu at Dévi that quickly became a smash hit is back, having bought out the boss.
Restaurant Openings
Week of November 19, 2007: Solex, Dessert Studio at Chocolat Michel Cluizel, and Ilili.
Divide and Conquer
A new, affordable way to enjoy truffles, and we’re not talking truffle oil.
Sources: Finding the Fungi
(Without the aid of a truffle hound or pig.)
How to Treat a Truffle
San Domenico’s Tony May won’t abide tuber abuse.
How to Make a Building Cool
The newest developer’s ploy: artists on-site.
The New Online Star System
This is the year that Web video got really smart. And addictive. Here’s what’s worth a click.
The Movie Review
Noah Baumbach plumbs the inky depths of smart, shallow people. Plus: Brian De Palma's Redacted.
On Deck: New DVDs
Seinfeld: The Complete Series, Rescue Dawn, Ocean's Thirteen...
Your Pre-Holiday Guide to Downer Films
Are you in the mood for a depressing movie?
The Theater Review
Young Frankenstein falls short of super-duper, but Stoppard’s Rock ’n’ Roll is a mother of an invention.
I Love the Eighties: Barbara Cook
Musical-theater matriarch Barbara Cook celebrates her 80th birthday with two concerts at the Philharmonic.
The TV Review
Will this be the season Project Runway falls out of fashion?
Watch This Instead
It’s a good week to practice watching documentary television.
The Classical Music Review
Barber’s Vanessa isn’t the forgotten marvel they say it is�but it’s a great vehicle for City Opera’s star soprano.
The Approval Matrix: Week of November 19, 2007
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
The Week
All in the Timing
Satellite gallery shows piggyback on two of the fall’s biggest museum headliners. And they’re free!
Take the L to the Tea
Williamsburg’s newest children’s boutique offers a cuppa.
Getting to Know You
A concert dedicated to one composer can paint a much richer picture of his music than a single symphony would.
Braise Days
When the temperature drops, nothing warms the cockles like a hunk of slow-cooked meat.
What’s in a Rhyme?
Poetry enjoys a rare moment in the spotlight.
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