Hosting a playdate in a city apartment can feel like inviting in an invasion: Rowdy, sugar-fueled kids descend en masse, demand constant attention, and leave your home a goldfish-cracker-strewn disaster site. A full agenda of engaging activities will keep the chaos somewhat under control. Start with the Frontier Indoor/Outdoor Tee Pee ($135 at Calypso Enfant, 407 Broome St., nr. Lafayette St.; 212-941-9700). It’s six feet tall (so it should easily clear an apartment ceiling) and completely blank; set it up over an old sheet, and give them the paint kit so they can decorate the exterior with their own designs. For more indoor-entertainment ideas, click ahead.

Cute and Convenient
Animal Nap Mats are plush and roll up for easy storage ($69 at Pottery Barn Kids, 1311 Second Ave., at 69th St.; 212-879-4746).

So You Think You Can Dance for Juniors
Two players can face off (Dance Dance Revolution Universal Dance Pad, $19.99 at GameStop, 687 Broadway, nr. Great Jones St.; 212-473-6571).

Cookies Are Engrossing
A little premade dough, some sprinkles, and cookie cutters: fun for hours (cookie cutters, $25 each at Williams-Sonoma, 10 Columbus Cir., at 59th St.; 212-823-9750).

The Antithesis of Paintball
This sends soft, harmless Jet-Puffeds hurtling around the house (Marshmallow Shooter, $30 at Hammacher Schlemmer, 147 E. 57th St., at Lexington Ave.; 212-421-9000).

Start With a White T-shirt
Introduce the next generation to the thrills of the BeDazzler ($19.95 at Pearl Home & Craft, 42 Lispenard St., nr. Church St.; 212-226-3717).

Make Art of the Silly Poses
The Lomo Supersampler Camera combines four panoramic shots in one ($55 at MoMA Design Store, 44 W. 53rd St., nr. Fifth Ave.; 212-767-1050).
If It’s a Sleepover

It Sleeps Two
The AeroBed Basic inflatable bed is a no-frills sleepover staple ($59.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond, 410 E. 61st St., nr. First Ave.; 646-215-4702).

Induce Group Hysteria
Have a good laugh or scream at classic horror flicks (Monster Legacy Collection DVD boxed set, $49.98 at Barnes & Noble, 675 Sixth Ave., at 21st St.; 212-727-1227).

I’ll Do Your Left Hand!
Paint little nails with smiley faces and stars; the designs peel off once they’re dry ($19.95 at Boomerang Toys, 173 W. Broadway, at Worth St.; 212-226-7650).

Be on the Safe Side
Make the morning pancakes nut-free (Cherrybrook Kitchen peanut-free whole-grain pancake mix, $4.99 at Whole Foods, 250 Seventh Ave., at 24th St.; 212-924-5969).

Delicious Dreams
Candy Pillows look like supersize bags of sugar-laden treats ($18 to $22 at Lester’s, 1534 Second Ave., at 80th St.; 212-734-9292).