April 20, 2009 Issue

Cover Story
Times are tough in New York right now, but not so tough that, for example, more than half the people in America under 35 don’t still want to move here. Inside, a portrait of 160 recent newcomers�and first-person tales of wow-this-place-really-is-as-crazy-as-everyone-says arrivals from Keith Hernandez, Rufus Wainwright, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ira Glass, Cindy Sherman, and many more.
God’s Work
Newlyweds Gabi and Rivki Holtzberg heeded the Rebbe’s call to bring the joy of their faith to every part of the world. But the world did not respond in kind.
The Island That Time Forgot
A new vision of the lost world that is right under our feet.
Money Train
State leaders are coming to the end of the line in their attempt to rescue straphangers.
What’s left after a bubble bursts? The greater city that was built by this, and every past, boom.
Hungry Heart
The global celebrity adoption didn’t start with Madonna.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
Power Conservation
When it was completed, in 1904, the IRT powerhouse was a colossus of industrial might.
Subprime Time
The down-market sitcom returns to TV.
42 Minutes With James Toback and Mike Tyson
Listening to the fallen champ and his friend and documentarian, over burgers in Vegas.
Back and Forth
At Jay McInerney’s book party, Jada Yuan talked betrothal with Rudy and Judi Giuliani.
Ever since investors bought the Apthorp, the residents have gotten edgy over higher rents.
The Prince of Queens
In a late-February special election, 24-year-old Eric Ulrich won the 32nd Council District seat.
The Specter of Gary Sheffield
The former Yankee malcontent may wind up haunting the Mets.
Best Bets
New stuff in New York stores, public radio that's really public, and more.
The Look Book
�My girlfriend was like, �Fashion’s always going to be here, but you have eight prime years as a dancer, so you’d better use them.’ �
The Everything Guide to Brighton Beach
Inside the land of pelmeni, matryoshkas, tracksuits, and of course, vodka.
The Restaurant Review
Just when you thought the big-box Japanese restaurant was dead, along comes Inakaya.
In Season
Pineapples are at their sweet peak now through early summer.
Edible Schoolyard
Introducing the Brooklyn Flea’s newest food vendors.
The Art Review
God bless the New Museum’s tantalizing triennial.
The Movie Review
Russell Crowe powers a brawnier remake of the brainy British mini-series State of Play.
The Conversation
Matt Cavenaugh and Jenny Powers spoke to Jesse Oxfeld.
A Leaner, Meaner Tribeca
Fewer films, more spunk.
The Natural
Merce Cunningham, who made a revolution out of ordinary movement, celebrates his 90th birthday.
Three citizen critics offer competing takes on noteworthy recent albums.
She’s So Unusual
Amber Tamblyn finds a kooky antidote to those traveling pants�and a closer approximation of herself.
The TV Review
Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange play madhouse in HBO’s Grey Gardens.
Bread Winners
Baguettes and croissants are par for the course at a French bakery.
Comments: Week of April 20, 2009
Readers sound off on Facebook and Glenn Beck.
The Approval Matrix: Week of April 20, 2009
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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