Although pineapples are available year-round, they’re at their sweet peak now through early summer. Of course, they’re best enjoyed simply sliced and unadorned. If you want to expand your horizons, though, consider this Aussie-style burger recipe from Brooklyn’s Five Leaves. It’s enough to send purists (of both pineapple and burger persuasions) into fits of apoplexy. It’s also weirdly delicious enough to make a few converts.
Five Leaves (Pineapple) Burger
1 pineapple
2 cups rice-wine vinegar
2 tbs. honey
1 tsp. whole coriander seeds
1 tsp. whole black pepper
1 tbs. mustard-seed oil
1 oz. fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
2 lbs. grass-fed ground beef
1 tbs. harissa
4 tbs. mayonnaise
Juice and zest of 1 lime
4 eggs
4 buns, buttered and grilled (Fives Leaves uses Sullivan St. Bakery ciabatta)
4 slices pickled beets
For the pineapple: To peel, place pineapple on its side and, using a chef’s knife, (1) cut off a slice near the crown and another near the base. (2) Stand pineapple on one of its ends, and cut off a slice of skin a section at a time. With a tiny fruit baller or the tip of a potato peeler, remove eyes. (3) Slice 4 thin rounds, and trim out the core from each slice. Save remaining pineapple for another use. Set rings in a nonreactive container. Place the rice-wine vinegar, honey, coriander, pepper, mustard-seed oil, and ginger in a pot and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour mixture over pineapple, and refrigerate overnight.
For the burgers: Divide beef into 4 patties. Season with salt and pepper. Grill to preferred temperature. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix harissa with mayonnaise, lime juice, and zest; reserve. Grill pineapple rings. In a skillet, cook the eggs sunnyside up. To serve: Spread each side of the buns with the harissa mayo. Place the burgers on the buns, and layer with grilled pineapple, pickled beets, and eggs. Serves 4.