November 16, 2009 Issue

Cover Story
Brooklyn’s Sonic Boom
The borough of Kings has produced the most fertile music environment seen in New York since CBGB in the seventies, and the scene’s newest hero is David Longstreth of Dirty Projectors: a Wagner-loving taskmaster
not afraid to mix strains of folk, hip-hop, classical, jazz, and African pop.
By Hugo Lindgren
Plus: Lizzy Goodman picks the top 40 songs of the Brooklyn
sound and the best local venues.
On the Cover: Photographs for New York Magazine by Mads Perch (Grizzly Bear), Pej Behdarvand (Dirty Projectors), and Jake Chessum (MGMT).
The Information Broker
At the intersection of high finance and news, the New York Times’ past and its future, and with a new best-selling book about the Wall Street crisis, 32-year-old Andrew Ross Sorkin has thrived by understanding the psyches of big players under attack. Which is a talent that has suddenly come in very handy.
Will Somebody Please Save NBC?
The beleaguered and tattered Peacock Network deserves better than Jeff Zucker, Jay Leno, and maybe even Comcast.
What You Pay For
100 Soho pedestrians surveyed on whether information� and entertainment�wants to be free.
Sucking Sound
Tuesday’s groundswells were less about a GOP renaissance than the return of the Perotistas.
Bloomberg’s Yankees
The happy price of victory.
Rockwell Republicanism
Huckabee’s buzz.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
17 1/2 Minutes With Lance Armstrong
The tequila-loving champ turned art collector comes to town.
Getting Levi Johnston Naked
How Playgirl got Levi Johnston to agree to a photo shoot.
Dossier: Vladimir Restoin Roitfeld, 24
What you should know about the art curator and dealer.
The Bangles
Danielle (24) and Jodie (27) Snyder on their Dannijo jewelry line, launched last year.
The New Power Generation
Bloomberg may have squeaked back in as king�but now he has two ambitious princes to contend with.
The Best Bet
A hanging garden for your wall, shopping on Havemeyer Street, and more.
The Look Book
Thai boxers! Karate kids! Ring babes! Surveying the scene at the Mixed Martial Arts World Expo.
The Restaurant Review
A Voce heads to the Time Warner Center.
In Season
Chestnuts may be known locally as street-cart bait, but that is far from the only way to go.
Restaurant Openings
Week of November 16, 2009: Mermaid Oyster Bar, Purple Yam, and Maialino.
May the Dough Never Run Out
A postfire Totonno’s prepares for its relaunch.
Fake Buyers Are Back!
At open houses, at least the perpetual shoppers are returning.
Furry, Woolly, Spotted, Frilly
What the city will be wearing in the cold months, indoors and out.
The Runner-Up
Friday Night Lights’ Zach Gilford would like to be first choice. Just once.
The Movie Review
Turns out that stop-motion animation and Wes Anderson were made for each other.
The Wild, Wild Ways of Nicolas Cage
This unpredictable star ricochets between inspired, offbeat performances and empty blockbusters.
The Theater Review
Willem Dafoe returns to the stage in Idiot Savant�and it’s a blast.
Raging Into God
In her third memoir, Mary Karr gets sober and finds faith�with attitude.
What a Strange Trip It’s Been
The perverse and addictive pleasures of Mad Men’s third season.
The Architecture Review
A new show champions the sinuous legacy of Eero Saarinen.
Exquisite Corpse
Tim Burton on digging through his cellar for a MoMA retrospective.
How Un-Continental
The full English breakfast has become all the rage.
Comments: Week of November 16, 2009
Readers sound off on Nancy Pelosi, Cougar Town, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of November 16, 2009
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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