What will the streets be wearing this winter? Skinny, nubby woolen ties, for one thing, replacing the everyday silk tie in a fairly radical neckwear shift. But that’s just the beginning: There’ll also be fur-trimmed parkas, neck-swallowing chunky scarves, and serious black boots for men and women. For more on the style trends that will define the coming months, click here.
From top, Calvin Klein Collection, $100, 654 Madison Ave., at 60th St. (212-292-9000); Alexander Olch, $140 at Kesner, 524 Hudson St., nr. 10th St. (212-206-6330); J.Crew, $59.50, 484 Broadway, nr. Broome St. (212-343-1227); Steven Alan,$78 at Steven Alan Annex, 103 Franklin St., nr. Church St. (212-343-0692); J.Crew; Neil Barrett, $125 at Kesner; and J.Crew, $59.50.