January 28, 2013 Issue

Cover Story
Why You Truly Never Leave High School
The conventional wisdom used to be that ages 0 to 3 were
the key to future success. But new research suggests
that adolescence may play an even more important role in shaping
the self�and that there might be no more damaging
place to spend those years than high school. By Jennifer Senior
On the Cover: Detail from Lost and
Alone, 2007, by
Michael Scoggins. Photograph by Victor Prado/New York Magazine.
Of Diamonds and Sharks
For the past two decades, Larry Gagosian has been by a wide margin the most powerful gallerist in the world. Now he’s facing two bruising lawsuits, an exodus of some of his most prized talent, and, at the very least, the loosening of his vise grip on the world’s art markets. By Eric Konigsberg
Less Than 140
No one nailed the eighties quite like Bret Easton Ellis, author of Less Than Zero and American Psycho. He may never write a novel again, but he’s still a vital social observer � on his Twitter feed. By Vanessa Grigoriadis
When Miss America Was Miss Brooklyn
Here, highlights from the historic competition.
Little Toy Drones
Secret protocols not included.
Armstrong and the Monsters
Too good to forgive.
The Neighborhood News
Our roundup of news from around the city.
The Wrecking of Zipcar?
Unwelcome turns.
41 Minutes With John Cale
Sniping about Lou Reed with the vanguard composer and former Velvet before an orchestra-backed nostalgia-tour stop at BAM.
Lhota and the Old Days
�I am not a tool of Rudy Giuliani,� says mayoral candidate Joe Lhota. But escaping the shadow of America’s mayor may be tougher than he thinks.
Best Bets
A log carrier, flip wall clock, and more new stuff in stores.
The Look Book
�Everyone said, �You’ll move to New York City and meet someone amazing,’ but for every one straight guy, I meet ten gay ones.�
Restaurant Review
At Tribeca Canvas, the once over-the-top Iron Chef scales down.
In Season
Flavor-packed pink grapefruit from Florida reaches its peak in January.
Pie Goes Savory
It’s not just for dessert anymore.
On Fire
The urbanite’s guide to a home with a hearth.
From boots and bags to candy and housewares, Scandinavian design is everywhere. No passport required.
My Awards Anxiety
Why David Edelstein hates the Oscars.
Victory Lap
Golden Globe winners take a moment backstage.
The Classical Music Review
The Prototype festival took risks, some of which didn’t pay off�and all of which made it feel necessary.
Theater Review
Scott Brown on the knotty Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Mike White’s Awkward Stage
The showrunner of Enlightened would like to make you squirm.
The Art Review
Yes, Kate Middleton’s portrait is terrible. But she, and Britain, got exactly what they wanted.
Finally, a Chance to Draw on the Walls
Robin Rhode turns a gallery into a coloring book.
Western Remake
A first look at Cole's Greenwich Village, opening this week in the old Lyon space.
Comments: Week of January 28, 2013
Readers sound off on Elizabeth Wurtzel, SoulCycle, and more.
The Approval Matrix: Week of January 28, 2013
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
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