Table of Contents -- July 8, 2013 Issue of New York Magazine

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Table of Contents

July 8, 2013 Issue

Cover Story

Cheap Eats 2013

Our annual guide to the most delicious things that won’t cause your stomach to churn with money worries. Including sandwiches so massive it would be unpatriotic not to share; saffron-mussel crêpes; top-notch khachapuri (it’s Georgian!); �mini-torpedoes of lamb�; and a whole slew of doughnuts. By Rob Patronite and Robin Raisfeld
On the Cover: Hybird’s fried chicken. Photograph by Bobby Doherty/New York Magazine.


When Privacy Jumped The Shark

Americans are too busy sharing personal information to care if the government is listening in. It might even flatter them. By Frank Rich

Liquid City

New York couldn’t live without the sea that has, on occasion, caused it great harm. And now we need to hug our shores even closer�so as to keep the water at bay. Plus: where Bloomberg unearthed his aquatic master plan. By Justin Davidson

Manhattan Fold ’Em

A poker hostess who got her start at Tobey Maguire’s. An art-world heir. Very rich Russians. Prosecutors targeting major gambling networks are after all of them. But what’s wrong with playing a $100,000 hand for fun? By Robert Kolker


Too Many Geniuses

The real talent of the city’s gifted-and-talented program is getting in.

The Annotated Wendy Davis

Here, the play-by-play of her meteoric rise.

High-School Haute Cuisine

Some teenagers are already holding pop-up dinners and hounding Michelin-starred chefs on Twitter.

74 Minutes With Sallie Krawcheck

The former First Lady of Wall Street has a feminist awakening.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.


Bill de Blasio’s Towering Problem

He’s the highest-minded liberal in the race�but are his concerns too rarefied for most New Yorkers?


Best Bets

Coleman’s NXT grill, Re-Fined opens in Cobble Hill, and more new stuff in stores.

The Look Book

�My boyfriend and I just bought an apartment in Stockholm. I want it to look like Mad Men�like fifties- and sixties-inspired.�

The Everything Guide to Trash

More than you ever wanted to know.


Scooping the Daily Mail

Alison Jackson’s pretenders to the throne.

The Nine Lives of Michael B. Jordan

The Fruitvale Station star just wants to live, for once.

Culture Diary: Jenji Kohan

The creator of Weeds and Orange Is the New Black tells us everything she watched, read, listened to, and clicked on in a week.

Postcards From the Biennale

Jerry Saltz navigates the good, the bad, and the overhyped in a suddenly empty Venice with his new digital camera.

The Tentpole of Doom

Even George Lucas and Steven Spielberg think Hollywood has a blockbuster problem.

The Movie Review

Michael B. Jordan breaks out in the terrific Fruitvale Station.

The Book Review

J.M. Ledgard’s stupendous, undersung Submergence.

The Classical Music Review

Alan Gilbert’s unflashy radicalism is re-creating the Philharmonic.

To Do: July 3�17, 2013

25 things to see, hear, watch, and read.


Comments: Week of July 8, 2013

Readers sound off on reputation management, Nelson Castro, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of July 8, 2013

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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