1. Mimmy and Sophie All Around the Town
By Miriam Cohen
It’s Brooklyn, circa 1935. On the front stoop, in the alleyway, and on the boardwalk at Coney Island, this early chapter book explores the push-and-pull relationship of two sisters. (Farrar, Straus and Giroux; $16, available now.)
• Buy it at Barnes and Noble.

2. If Roast Beef Could Fly
By Jay Leno
The conflicts of a spendthrift Scottish mom and a materialistic Italian dad fuel the comedic effort of the Tonight Show host, which ends when lad Leno is quite literally caught playing with fire. (Simon & Schuster; $17.95, available March 23.)
• Buy it at Barnes and Noble.

3. No Dogs Allowed!
By Sonia Manzano
In this debut picture book by Sesame Street’s Maria, 7-year-old Iris and her South Bronx family and friends—all familiar archetypes—embark on a lakeside outing, but not without a couple of told-ya-so obstacles. (Atheneum; $15.95, available this month.)
• Buy it at Barnes and Noble.

4. Manuelo the Playing Mantis
By Don Freeman
A praying mantis perched on a shrub listens to an outdoor concert and wishes he could be part of the orchestra; a friendly spider helps him make the insect world more melodious. Recently discovered manuscript from the late author of Corduroy. (Viking; $15.99, available now.) • Buy it at Barnes and Noble.

5. Empire State Building
By Elizabeth Mann
New York’s singular skyscraper was born in 1931 out of a rich men’s game of one-upmanship. Illustrations and photos fill out a detailed story of the construction and profiles of the millionaires and laborers involved. (Mikaya Press; $19.95, available now.)
• Buy it at Barnes and Noble.