It takes an iron will—not to mention a hugely expensive smoke diffuser—to open a barbecue joint in this town. Not only do you have to abide by the city’s draconian anti-barbecue-smoke laws, but you also have to contend with a homegrown swarm of dubiously hypercritical ’cue experts. Enter RUB, Manhattan’s brand-new rib joint, whose name stands for Righteous Urban Barbecue. A collaboration between Paul Kirk, who is, apparently, the Lance Armstrong of the competition-barbecue circuit—although, in person, he more closely resembles Wilford Brimley—and Andrew Fischel, a ’cue-crazed tech-world dropout from Roslyn. Fischel took Kirk’s master class a couple of years ago, tagged along with him on the tour circuit, and the rest is hickory-smoked history. RUB’s secret weapons, according to Fischel, are Kirk’s signature spice rub, superior trimming technique, and a healthy dose of barbecue braggadocio: “I don’t think that we’ll just be the best barbecue in New York,” Fischel says. “We’re going to be world class anywhere.”
New York: It’s a Barbecue Town
These five conscientious ’cue joints aren’t just blowing smoke.
208 W. 23rd St., nr. Seventh Ave.
Pit Master
Paul Kirk, teacher, legend, Kansas City “Baron of Barbecue.”
The Pits
Three customized fire-engine-red pits fueled by “green” hickory.
Brisket, deep-fried spareribs, pastrami, Sichuan duck.
Urban Concession
A massive BBQ tasting and bottle of Dom for $250. Your choice of any two sides included, of course.
Blue Smoke
116 E. 27th St., nr. Park Ave. S.
Pit Master
Ken Callaghan, former executive sous-chef at Union Square Café.
The Pits
Two shiny metal applewood-fired behemoths imported from Missouri.
Salt-and-pepper beef ribs, hot links, side dishes, and desserts.
Urban Concession
Pit-smoked foie gras; an actual wine list.
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
646 W. 131st St., at Twelfth Ave.
Pit Master
John Stage, Harley rider who got his start hawking ’cue at biker swap meets.
The Pits
Hickory-fueled J&R-brand pit from Texas, not to be confused with the electronics store.
Brisket, spareribs, pit-smoked chicken wings.
Urban Concession
Rhubarb crisp is as fancy as it gets.
Daisy May’s BBQ USA
623 Eleventh Ave., at 46th St.
Pit Master
Adam Perry Lang, veteran of the estimable rib joints Daniel and Le Cirque.
The Pits
High-tech with automated humidity control; wood-fueled.
Texas chili made with Mexican Hatch chilies, pulled pork.
Urban Concession
Sweet potatoes touched with vanilla cream.
Pearson’s Texas Barbecue
170 E. 81st St., nr. Third Ave.
Pit Master
Carolina pit master Shawn Glenn has taken over from the recently retired Robert Pearson.
The Pits
One 3,000-pound hickory-fired J&R job.
Texas beef brisket, pulled pork, sandwiches on Portuguese rolls.
Urban Concession
Whole suckling pig by special order.