The Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection Indispensable and hilarious: The Cocoanuts, Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, and, of course, Duck Soup. NR; $59.98.
The Fritz Lang Epic Collection Indispensable, not hilarious: Metropolis, Spies, Die Nibelungen, and Woman in the Moon. NR; $99.95.
W. C. Fields Comedy Collection Not quite as indispensable—merely amusing: The Bank Dick, My Little Chickadee, You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man, It’s a Gift, and International House. NR; $59.98.
Gone With the Wind A four-disc edition every bit as overblown as the original. NR; $39.92.

Our Pick
Thank goodness somebody understood that the last thing Before Sunset needed was a commentary track. Talk—incessant, droning, yet still somehow charming—is practically all there is in Richard Linklater’s sequel to Before Sunrise. So it’s just as well that this stripped-bare edition leaves the jawing to the star-crossed, loquacious lovers played by Julie Delpy (as a smart-ass, golden-locked intellectual paragon) and Ethan Hawke (who’s never been better, or more himself). Both wrote the script with Linklater and somehow manage to make their annoyingly earnest characters—strolling through this postcard-Paris set—break your heart. One of the nerdiest courtships ever caught on film—and, improbably, one of the most convincing. R; $27.95.