Garden State on DVD

Garden State Zach Braff’s directorial debut about a Jersey guy who returns home is a small—if precious—wonder with the forgivable excess and excessive charm of a sharp first novel. R; $29.98.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Second-rate Will Ferrell is better than first-tier Ben Stiller. PG-13; $19.95. code 46 Tim Robbins is ice-cold in Michael Winterbottom’s futuristic romance, but Samantha Morton generates enough heat for both. R; $25.98.

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle A stoner comedy funny enough for a sober audience. Well, almost. NR; $27.95.

Troy For those golden abs, Brad Pitt’s trainer should win an Oscar for Best Special Effects. R; $29.95.

The Twilight Zone: The Definitive Edition, Season One Remastered episodes from the classic 1959 season. NR; $119.99.

Wicker Park The worst studio film of the young millennium. PG-13; $26.98.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse Yes, Wicker Park is even worse than this. R; $28.96.

Our Pick
When Carrie Bradshaw acolytes wept last year, tabloid gossips whispered that HBO had filmed three alternate finales in order to throw off, well, people like themselves. But now that Sex and The City: Season Six, Part Two is available, we can see that the alternates—Carrie rejects Big, Carrie accepts Baryshnikov, Carrie rejects everyone—are really no more than throwaway goofs. (C’mon, you knew she’d never go back to the Russian.) These snippets—and other disappointing extras—are a clear sign that a mammoth “complete” edition is on the way. Maybe then the ladies who brunch will answer all those unresolved questions: Is an ending an ending when you have to keep spending? NR; $49.99.

Garden State on DVD