The Ladykillers
The Coen brothers’ remake of the classic 1955 comedy about a quartet of incompetent crooks, wrote New York’s Peter Rainer, “is a mostly successful jamboree of whoopee jokes and sick wit, starring Tom Hanks.” R; $29.99.
Topdog Diaries
A behind-the-scenes look at the production of Suzan-Lori Parks’s ferocious Pulitzer-winning drama, Topdog/Underdog. NR; $14.99.
Iron Jawed Angels
New York’s John Leonard wrote that HBO’s film about suffragettes benefits from “a terrific cast [Hilary Swank, Anjelica Huston] pitched headlong into frantic action.” NR; $26.98.
Jersey Girl
Kevin Smith’s wretched melodrama has one bright spot: a vignette in which the bloody Sweeney Todd is performed as a school play. PG-13; $29.99.the punisher Moronic vigilantism. R; $27.98.
More Treasures from the American Film Archives
The archives releases its second brilliant behemoth collection: More than nine hours of restored films from 1894 to 1931 span a whole range of subjects, but locals should delight in the turn-of-the-century footage of the Flatiron district, several short tributes to the New York skyline, and The Suburbanite, a prescient sitcom about New Yorkers in the ’burbs that was filmed in 1904. 3 discs; NR; $79.95.
Our Pick
The new Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection is one of those film-industry spectacles that leave cineastes shaking their heads—on the way to the video store. How could seven Hitchcock films—Dial M for Murder, Foreign Correspondent, Suspicion, The Wrong Man, Stage Fright, I Confess, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith—not already be on DVD? If Warner didn’t have the good sense to rush these out sooner, the studio was at least smart enough to package them with North by Northwest and an expanded version of Strangers on a Train, which features a tribute to Hitchcock directed by M. Night Shyamalan. 10 discs; PG; $99.92. Extras: newsreel footage; new making-of documentaries; commentary on North by Northwest by screenwriter Ernest Lehman; commentary on Strangers on a Train by Peter Bogdanovich, Patricia Highsmith, and others.