Runaway Jury Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, and John Cusack face off in this moderately suspenseful, glossy John Grisham thriller. PG-13, $27.98.
Stoked: The Rise and Fall of Gator A mediocre documentary about the heyday of eighties California skating and the gnarly wipe-out of star Mark “Gator” Rogowski. R; $24.98.
Mambo Italiano Émile Gaudreault’s wafer-thin comedy tracks an Italian-Canadian family in which the son is revealed to have (gasp!) a boyfriend. R; $26.96.
Masked and Anonymous Bob Dylan stars in this “awful postapocalyptic fantasy,” wrote New York’s Peter Rainer, along with “Jessica Lange, John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, Val Kilmer, and many others who just made the worst movie of their careers.” PG-13; $24.98.
The Damned Luchino Visconti’s dark, wild ride through prewar Germany is bound by some sharp performances—including one by a young Charlotte Rampling, circa 1969. $19.98.
Tunes of Glory John Mills and Alec Guinness battle for control of Scottish troops in this 1960 drama. NR; $29.98.
Our Pick
The marijuana, ménage à trois, and pubic hair of Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1966 Blow-Up have long since lost their shock value—in part because the film made us expect those sorts of things from arty cinema. Newly released on DVD in a simple package, the sins of Swinging London seem positively quaint compared with the vicious egotism of David Hemmings’s rogue chauvinist photographer. Whether dressing down his bone-thin models like a drill sergeant, dressing them up in ghoulish outfits, or cutting through the stone-faced crowd at a Yardbirds gig, Hemmings seems to find the cruelty beneath every affectation of hipster cool. His tousled, magnetically repulsive act still rings true. Extras: commentary by film professor Peter Brunette; music-only track; trailers. NR; $19.98.