Overheard: What the Audience Really Thought About The Life Aquatic

Steve Bull, Inventor
“Wes Anderson is like Federico Fellini— he’s in that caliber. He’s top drawer. I want to see other movies by him.”

Tibor Mirkovic, Student
“I loved it. It was very weird. I can’t really describe it. (Laughs) You know, after every movie somebody asks me, ‘What did you think of it?’ I’m the guy who goes, ‘Eh, I don’t know.’ ”

Dean Penna, Painting Business
“A lot of people wouldn’t get it. I was actually thinking about a girlfriend of mine: I was going to see if she wanted to see it, just as a test.”

Juli Kryslur, Freelance Marketing Consultant
“I went in knowing I was going to like it. I was not disappointed.”

Alex Berlin
“We just saw the Clint Eastwood film Million Dollar Baby and it was so powerful that I can’t compare the two.”

Overheard: What the Audience Really Thought About […]