Jeepers Creepers 2 The flying flesh-eater returns. R; $19.99.
Cure For great horror from overseas, check out hot-shot Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s stylish 1997 thriller about ordinary Tokyo residents who suddenly murder strangers after brushing up against a mysterious man. NR; $29.95.
The Days of Wine and Roses Between laughing it up in The Apartment and Irma La Douce, Jack Lemmon earned an Oscar nomination as an alcoholic in this 1962 one-day-at-a-time drama by Blake Edwards. NR; $19.99.
Ikiru Akira Kurosawa’s subtle 1952 masterwork about a dying man—restored, with more than two hours of additional documentary footage. NR; $39.95.
Out of Time New York’s Peter Rainer said Denzel Washington’s Florida thriller was just “so-so.” PG-13; $27.98.
Sitcom This feature debut by François Ozon (Swimming Pool) is a bizarre stew of family dysfunction, sado-masochism, suicide, and coming-out, brought to a boil by a hungry lab rat. NR; $29.95.

OUR PICK Thankfully, Criterion has restored two of Jacques Tati’s Chaplinesque comedies about the bumbling sweetheart Monsieur Hulot—M. Hulot’s Holiday and Mon Oncle. In fact, if you’ve seen only shoddy VHS tapes of these films, you’ve missed half the joy in the crisp visual puns and audio trickery. Holiday (1953) is the bona fide classic, but Mon Oncle, a 1958 satirical tale about how a sweet uncle—or a few mischievous dogs—can disrupt a modernist plastic-and-glass paradise, is the more timely delight. $29.95 each; NR. Each DVD features new subtitles and introductions by Terry Jones. Mon Oncle adds Tati’s 1947 short film L’École des Facteurs; Holiday tosses in Tati’s English soundtrack and René Clément’s 1936 short film Soigne ton Gauche, starring Tati.