DONALD TRUMP: I came home, and his name was on my house.
CURTIS SLIWA: A lot of mileage out of a funny hat.
MARK KOSTABI: He paints the town but gets someone else to do it for him.
REGGIE JACKSON: The hot dog who talked of itself in the third person.
SANDRA BERNHARD: Those lips, those lips, those eyes, those lips . . .
BILL BRATTON: A whole new world of restaurants to conquer out in L.A.
LINDA FAIRSTEIN: America’s self-appointed foremost sex-crimes prosecutor doesn’t always get it right.
AL SHARPTON: He has a used medallion to sell cheap.
RAOUL FELDER: If he weren’t Doc Pomus’s brother, he wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.
BONNIE FULLER: Keith Kelly says she’s up for your job.
RUDY GIULIANI: All Rudy, all the time.