Ever felt like you’ve let everyone down? By, say, missing not one, not two, but three potential game-winning field goals? Yes, the week kicked off poorly for the Giants’ poor kicker, Jay Feely—though to his credit, as he spent the game’s waning minutes with a camera in his face, he sat stoically on the bench rather than test out his hoofing foot on the crotch of the cameraman. Hours later, Jets kicker Mike Nugent barely missed a game winner of his own. But we shouldn’t take sports so seriously—and definitely not as seriously as the guy who stabbed another guy after the Jets game, having taunted him for wearing the jersey of fragile Jets quarterback Chad Pennington. (The alleged assailant is a barker at Coney Island’s Shoot the Freak booth, coaxing passers-by to fire paintballs at a human target, so he’s likely not the pacifist type.) Nor should we get so heated over a woman that we push our friend in front of a subway to his death, as a Brooklyn man reportedly did at a 7-line station. In fact, last week resounded with animosity: State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno tried to tell Jeanine Pirro to drop out of the race for Hillary Clinton’s job; a patent-infringement lawsuit threatened to shut down the nation’s BlackBerry network, sending thumb-typers into a panic; and up in Canada, the government collapsed. Come on, folks, it’s almost the holidays—let nothing you dismay! Instead, look toward Rockefeller Center, which once again hosted the lighting of the tree, that annual ritual in which an aged spruce is ripped from the forest, trucked into Manhattan, draped with lights in a public square, and left to contemplate this odd end to a life it had probably considered evergreen. (Frankly, this year’s tree should feel honored to occupy its bit of midtown atmosphere, which, thanks to an air-rights deal closed by a developer last week, is now valued at $430 a square foot.) Better yet, start dreaming of what the holidays might bring: even more kids! The Times calculated a 26 percent increase in Manhattan’s small-child supply in the last four years. Should you be tucking in one such darling at night, make sure to check the sheets first: The bedbugs are back, and they’re biting.