The quest to eradicate cellulite has seen creams, injections, surgery, and countless gizmos come and go. But the latest is a line of clothing by Miss Sixty. Its anti-cellulite jeans ($139), pants ($119 or $149), and skirts ($99) contain Skintex, a serum made up of retinol and chitosan. Retinol is used in many skin-care products to stimulate collagen production, while chitosan (a derivative of shellfish exoskeletons) has been used to decrease fat absorption in the stomach—and as a weight-control product for dogs. Friction between denim and skin triggers the release of Skintex from microcapsules in the fabric. According to Cognis, the German company that makes Skintex, 40 percent of the medication is absorbed after 48 hours, though the clothing remains effective even after 30 washings. They do, however, recommend hand washing. But doctors are skeptical. “Even though retinol has been shown to have some effect on cellulite, it’s silly to think that pants impregnated with retinol would,” says cosmetic dermatologist Howard Sobel. Silly or not, Emily Liu, marketing manager for Miss Sixty, says Saks and Bloomingdale’s have put in request for reorders. “They’re slimming to begin with,” she adds. “So if you could wear pants that could possibly help on top of that, why wouldn’t you?”