Tina Brown staged a media bombardment last week that was impressive—even by Tina’s standards: Tuesday’s airing of 24 w/ Tina Brown on Trio, the Thursday debut of her Washington Post column, and a live chat the same day on the Post’s Website. How closely were you paying attention?
1. How many times did Tina plug the October 29 episode of her CNBC talk show, Topic A With Tina Brown, in her chat?
A. Zero (it’s technically possible).
B. Ten.
C. Fifteen.
D. We’re still counting.
2. In her chat, Tina said she signs her letters “EQB.” Translation:
A. Endearingly Quirky Babe.
B. Erstwhile Queen of Buzz.
C. Eviscerator of Quarrelsome Barbarians.
D. Editorially Quixotic Banshee.
3. Complete the Tina Brown quotes (from 24 w/ Tina Brown).
• “Your lipstick is … (a) mightier than your sword (b) slightly smudged (c) your laptop.”
• “Barry Diller! … (a) Oh, my God, you’re much shorter in person! (b) Are you paying for my new reality show? (c) Barry Diller!”
• To the cameraman: “Don’t shoot my … (a) rear end (b) cat licking the dinnerware (c) personal trainer giving me business advice!”
4. Match each person with Tina’s online description of his or her “hotness.”
• Lloyd Grove
• Bob Woodward
• Tina herself
• Wesley Clark
A. “Steaming, darling.”
B. “V. hot.”
C. Hotter than Dennis Kucinich, but not as hot as Howard Dean.
D. “Raging, scorching, gotta-jump-into-a-pool hot.”
Answers: 1: B; 2: B; 3: c, c, a; 4: B, D, A, C.