When your first hit single is about female “frontal wedgies”—“Fix yourself, girl, you got a cameltoe”—it’s hard not to worry about the label novelty act. But Fannypack is one teen band that seems like the genuine article. On their debut album, So Stylistic (Tommy Boy), the Brooklyn girls—from left, Belinda Lovell, 16, Jessibel Suthiwong, 18, and Cat Hartwell, 22—sing about scamming fake I.D.’s and cruising Flatbush Avenue (when they’re not rapping “Is your crotch hungry, girl? ’Cause it’s eating your pants”). And while the songs are mostly written by the men of Fannypack, Matt Goias, 25, and Fancy, 30, “we write off their slang,” says Matt. “It’s more real than Christina.” Next up, the rappers turn to over-attentive guys. “Our new single, ‘Hey Mami,’ makes fun of boys who say ‘Hey, Mami, can I get your number?’ ” says Jessibel. As the song goes, “This ain’t Scores, and you ain’t wavin’ a dollar.”