Purrfect Pet?

What’s that frothing in your living room? Mini-Ming?! No! It’s a Savannah cat—a legal pet, with just a frisson of ferocity. How jungle-chic … Yup. It’s part cat and part African serval, a savannah-dwelling feline that catches birds in mid-flight! (Michael Douglas gave his serval away because it was too hard to handle.) Savannahs grow to over twenty pounds and enjoy head-butting, baths, and opening cabinets. Easily. Where can I spot one? Two kittens are on the prowl weekdays at Le Petit Puppy, a pet store on Christopher Street. They’re not for sale, but savannahcat.com lists breeders. Savannahs cost around $6,000. Does that include a stun gun? Savannah fans swear they’re friendly. “I’ve never been bit,” says breeder Allison Navarro. But keep some raw chicken handy . . .

Purrfect Pet?