Q: My kids are going to sleepaway camp this summer, and I’m dreading the thought of packing their trunks and remembering everything they’ll need. Is there anyone who can do it for me?
A: Forget about last-minute packing for summer camp. There’s way too much to worry about, including sewing those annoying little name tags on every last pair of undies. Thankfully, kids’ fashion outfitter Lester’s (1534 Second Avenue, at 80th Street; 212-734-9292) now steps up to the plate with its own “camp counselors” who are ready to help do it all. Bring your own checklist or just use theirs—the store stocks all the overnight basics, including towels, raincoats, flashlights, sheets, blankets, pillows, and sleeping bags. There’s even a selection of duffel bags and trunks on wheels that can be monogrammed. As for fashion, Lester’s will dress the kids head to toe from its extensive collection of trendywear. And if you spend at least $200, in-house tailors will sew those darn name tags on everything you buy—and get your kids started on a life of dubious fashion choices by throwing in a free trucker hat. Even parents will leave as happy campers.