What’s selling?
Cute eighties cotton and polyester spring dresses and skirts. We’re right on the market for sunglasses, like the big Olsen seventies aviators. Jewelrywise, we have all the wood beads and bangles—the ethnic look is really in.
Who’s your typical customer?
She’s a young, uptown girl who goes for the shabby-chic look. She carries a Balenciaga bag but pairs it with a vintage T-shirt and a vintage hoodie, a jean skirt, and leggings. It verges on that Bobo look.
So have you read Bobos in Paradise?
Never heard of it. What’s your style? Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver by day. By night, Jade Jagger with long disco dresses and head scarves. I’m doing high-waisted shorty-shorts with suspenders and pretty ruffle blouses with wedges or boots. I predicted last year that suspenders were going to be back in.
What do you predict for next spring?
I hope prairie won’t be big, though overalls done sophisticated are good. Pantsuits. Twenties drop-waist dresses. Nothing robotic. It’ll be interesting to see how Marc’s fall line plays out first. The volume is not all that figure-flattering.
What do you do for fun?
I saw the Kills at the Bowery Ballroom last night. Not the Killers—the Kills are more intimate. Sexually charged. I’m going to the ICP to see Larry Clark today. I love drinking at the Modern.
Where does the store name come from?
I heard it’s a euphemism for heroin addicts. I’ve also heard it’s sexual. I guess you have to use your imagination.