Is speaking French a job requirement?
Absolutely not. But I spent fifteen years in Paris, so I do. I lived in the 16th Arrondissement. Everyone is fascinated by Colette, but my favorite place to go is Ladurée for their Succès praliné. It’s a pastry shop near La Madeleine.
Are you contractually bound to solely wear Givenchy?
No, but in the store I only wear Givenchy—outside, Juicy Couture T-shirts and Levi’s. When I’m on vacation in Mykonos, I buy sandals on the street and a little beach dress. We are allotted a clothing allowance, and if I have an event, I can borrow a dress.
Jackie vs. Audrey: Who was the better Givenchy muse?
I couldn’t even begin to choose one over the other. You can’t compare the two. Now we have Liv Tyler and Penélope Cruz, though usually their stylists come in. We haven’t seen Liv since she had her baby. I hit it off with Andrea Lieberman, who takes care of Jennifer Lopez. But we hit it off with everyone. We’re in the business of doing business.
When will Givenchy make a comeback on the Hill? With Hillary or Condi?
Rice. She’s very stylish.
Do your customers hate the food cart parked right next to your boutique?
Yes, but they have a permit, so there’s absolutely nothing we can do. I don’t take breakfast from them—I’m a strict green-tea drinker, and I like my cakes and biscotti from Terra Marra on 65th.
Do you have to be a diva to work at Givenchy?
We all have a very nice manner and work as a team. There’s no point in having a difficult situation.