The store sells rifles, shotguns, and knives.
We also have a whole collection of fashion, accessories, and home décor.
What’s the male-to-female ratio of the clientele?
It’s mostly men, but women are coming in more often. We have casual safari jackets.
What do you think of Wal-Mart’s selling guns?
I don’t have a problem with it. At Beretta, it is required by law that we do background checks on the purchaser.
Where do people go in the city to shoot?
There’s a downtown shooting gallery that’s been around for many years—it’s one of a few left.
What’s your favorite gun in the store?
What I enjoy the most is the collection of Jubilees. They’re Italian-made, and finely engraved with floral motifs.
Do you own firearms?
Yes. I’m involved in the sport called cowboy action shooting. It’s target shooting with a Western theme. And in this sport, I go by a different name—English Bev.
What do you shoot?
Live ammunition out of old-fashioned-style guns at metal targets. You’re timed for hitting the targets, and you get deductions for misses.
Do you wear Beretta apparel to do this?
No, we get dressed up as cowboys and cowgirls. I have several outfits that revolve around leather chaps.
Does your husband have an alias, too?
Yes, indeed. It’s Flat Iron.
Do you call each other by your fake names at home?
Not really.