Oil Soap
Tocca’s kukui-nut-oil-based soaps are available individually ($12) or packaged in a set of three ($27).
Barneys New York
660 Madison Ave.; 212-826-8900

Hide Your Diary
Leather journals by Pinetti, in several colors, are $22 to $28.
Lee’s Art Shop
220 W. 57th St.; 212-247-0110

Shelf Life
KidKraft’s 371/2-inch-high puzzle bookshelf is $120.
Mike’s Furniture
520 Amsterdam Ave.; 212-873-1336

Video On Da Hand
This palm-size digital video camera, Windows- and Mac-compatible, is $260.
Flight 001
96 Greenwich Ave.; 212-691-1001
Or, log on to flight001.com.

Behind the Music
Henry Horenstein’s photos of Pee Wee King, Stringbean, et al. have been assembled in Honky Tonk: Portraits of Country Music, 1972–1981 ($24.95).
Log on to chroniclebooks.com for stores.

Full of Hot Air
The Maytag Neptune Drying Center includes adjustable shelving to lay sweaters flat, a rod for hanging suits, even places for caps and sneakers ($1,199 to $1,399).
Log on to maytagneptune.com for stores.

Hoop Dreams
Verre New York’s silver hoops, with a bubble of hand-blown glass at the end of each, are $68.
337 Smith St.; 718-522-1767
Or, check verrenewyork.com for more information.

Show of Hands
The folks at Benza asked eleven New York architects and designers to create a clock. Stephen Burks’s “Helvetica” is $40.
Sam Flax
425 Park Ave.; 212-620-3038
Also available at benzadesign.com.

Buttoning Up
No. 436’s canvas tote comes with a single button; every month, another arrives in the mail ($60).
No. 436
436 E. 9th St.; 212-529-8231
Also available at buttonofthemonthclub.com.

Ink Ado
It may look like an old-fashioned No. 2 pencil, but it’s really a newfangled pen ($35).
Library Shop
455 Fifth Ave.; 212-340-0839
Or, log on to thelibraryshop.org.

Man of the Cloth
Stephen Sprouse’s KnollTextiles fabrics come in gorgeous sheers, colorful Techno Tweeds, and these Camo patterns, with or without graffiti, for $34 to $63 per yard.
105 Wooster St.; 212-343-4000
Photographed by Michael Kraus.