Ty Nant, $4.50
One of eleven waters on Alain Ducasse’s menu, this Welshstill water is smooth but bland. The bottle makes a nice vase, though. (At Dean & DeLuca, 580 Broadway, at Prince St.; 212-431-1691.)

Voss, $3.99
Mainly sold at high-end hotels, health clubs, and restaurants, this Norwegian artesian water is low in minerals with a light, clear taste. (At Dean & Deluca; deandeluca.com.)

Acqua Panna, $2.49
A noncarbonated spring water from Tuscany with a rich, thick consistency. Good for the health-conscious who want to fill up on fluids before a meal (mitchellsny.com).

Evamor, $1.99
Fresh from Abita Springs, Louisiana, it’s unusually high in calcium bicarbonate: One bottle has the nutritional value of six apples. (At D’Agostino; 800-275-4324.)

Smart Water, $1.99
The bowling-pin-shaped bottle is easy to grasp, and the added electrolytes combat dehydration when you exercise. (At E.A.T., 1064 Madison Ave., nr. 81st St.; 212-772-0022.)

Gerolsteiner Sprudel, $1.49
Smaller bubbles than in most sparkling waters caress your tongue with high-velocity fizziness. Even if you don’t like seltzer, try this German carbonated mineral water (mitchellsny.com).

Metromint, $1.49
It tastes like mouthwash, but the natural mint and purified water help digestion, and the strong smell is a great pick-me-up. (At Gourmet Garage; gourmetgarage.com.)

Fiji, 99 cents
Clear yet full-bodied, this artesian water from tropical rain is the best option at the average deli. (At Whole Foods; wholefoods.com.)