Traum, $145,000
For your gold bullion, it has a Swiss-bank–approved dual electronic locking system with two different codes. Withstands up to two hours of fire and can’t be drilled through (946 Madison Ave., nr. 74th St.; 212-452-2565).

Mantiques Modern, $4,800
This nineteenth-century iron-and-brass antique takes three people to lift. Only a keyhole stands between a thief and your money, so it’s best for decoration—or as a decoy (146 W. 22nd St., nr. Sixth Ave.; 212-206-1494).

Megasafe, $3,194
Other than the Traum, the most burglarproof safe here. If someone starts to drill through the 5 1⁄4-inch steel-and-concrete door, a glass plate behind it shatters, activating a second set of bolts (312 E. 46th St., nr. Second Ave.; 212-949-1111).

Acme Safe Co., $1,210
Designed for fire protection, with a silicone seal around the door that expands to eight-inch thickness when the temperature rises above 250 degrees (419 Park Ave. S.,at 29th St.; 212-226-2500).

Stack-On, $830
For aesthetically pleasing security, with a silk-screen design on the door and four adjustable shelves. Best for paper—it’s too humid inside for electronics. (At rapidalarmandsecurity.com.)

Gardall, $795
The old-fashioned look, with three-spoke handle. Offers one hour of fire protection up to 1,750 degrees and keeps interior contents under 350 degrees. (At Gracious Home, 1120 Third Ave., nr. 70th St.; 212-517-6300.)

Sentry, $324.98
Hotel-room-level security, made of steel and certified up to 1,700 degrees or for submersion in six inches of water, for an hour. Electronic lock is backed up by a key. (At officeworld.com.)

Personakey, $299.95
Sophisticated fingerprint lock lends a high-tech veneer, but the case is made of walnut and it’s easy to walk away with. Only for things you can afford to lose. (At personakey.com.)

Personakey, $249.95
A wall-mounted option for hiding behind paintings. Steel door is only an eighth of an inch thick, with a fingerprint lock overridden by an emergency key—so keep that hidden. (At personakey.com.)