Those ugly rumors are true. Green Village Used Furniture & Clothing (better known as Sidney’s, after owner Sidney Ober) has been kicked out of its longtime Driggs Avenue home. Ten thousand square feet of—let’s face it—junk has been shipped to a new location (276 Star Street; 718-599-4017; take the L train to Jefferson Street) that will stun regulars with its downright normal amenities.
First, there’s natural light, courtesy of real windows. Second, there are neat, wide, and easily navigated rows of clothing, shoes, bags, books, pottery, glassware, furniture, record albums, electronics, you name it. Third: shopping baskets. Fourth—and the real shocker—price tags on everything (starting at under $1 and going up to $2,000 for an old 35-millimeter film projector), which ends the fun tradition of finding Sidney to ask a price, waiting as he scratched his head, looked at you, looked at the item, and finally said, “Eh, two dollahs.”
But don’t worry too much. Sidney is still running around, supervising deliveries, chatting up customers, and, yes, haggling. He even says he prefers his new home: “It’s still the same junk, but with this beautiful space, the state of mind is much better.”