There’s a new fashion animal in town. Mr. Crocodile, make way for a penguin—Original Penguin, that is. The 50-plus-year-old brand that once advertised its “sport shirts for men of action” has opened a New York store (1077 Sixth Avenue, near 41st Street; 646-443-3520) filled with clothes for those guys—and for men (and ladies) who just want to get some action.
The interior is retro-chic in a “we loved the Jack Spade store” kind of way—wood paneling, vintage trophies, old photos here and there (including some fabulous Dean Martin shots). There’s a lounge in back with a vintage modern sofa, a coffee table stacked with magazines, and old movies on TV.
Women’s offerings are slim so far (the full line will arrive in the spring), but men can choose from a variety of shirts—polos ($45), tees, even (heaven help us) velour. These can be accessorized with knit ties ($24), a variety of sweaters (cotton, $55; wool, $59), and a bomber-style leather jacket ($298). Penguin doesn’t make its own jeans but stocks Paper Denim Cloth’s (at $154 per pair, they’re among the most expensive items here). There are cargos galore ($72), too, and a selection of nerdy-chic plaid pants ($49), allsure to please modern-day Rat Packers.