The loom-literate will recall that it’s the warp, not the weft, that acts as the structural foundation for a piece of fabric. Now comes Warp Design, a new showroom in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (208 North 8th Street; 718-388-6424), whose owner, Kimberly Manne, envisions it as a kind of backbone for the area’s design community. “I want to provide a place for artists to come together, show their work, meet people,” she says. “It’s very much about providing a structure and a support network.”
Manne’s workroom is located in the back of the lofty space (a former hardware store), and designers’ work is shown in the front, in a constantly changing room that right now is filled with photography by James Alfalla, knitwear by Catherine Scales, cut-felt hats (some embellished with feathers) by Selma Karaca, handbags and throw pillows by Erin Kaleel, cashmere scarves by Underbelly, and fashions by Manne herself (if you like Comme Des Garçons, you’ll love her stuff). Prices range from $35 for a knit hat to $5,000 for Matthew Hoey’s Corian chair. A pleated suede miniskirt is $126; a very Purple Rain leather jacket with tail is $270; a mohair throw with leather fringe is $350. From Warp’s warp, a rich tapestry seems to be coming together.