How would you describe your personal style?
I never think about it! This jacket is about 35 years old, and the hat’s about six years old. I just try to conceal the fact that I’m basically dressed comfortably all the time, but people stop me on the street three to four times a week to tell meI look beautiful.
Do you work out?
I’m a member of the Peninsula Spa. I work on the elliptical trainer, and I’ve been doing Pilates, and I’ve found that I have some talent for tap dancing. If you saw me, you would crack up. Anything my teacher can do, I can do it, pretty much.
You’re very well groomed.
I do take a lot of care with my makeup. I get my nails done regularly, and I like to coordinate colors.
What are your favorite products?
I like the Perricone face-firming activator and the Estée Lauder double-wear concealer. Some of my products are very inexpensive—my eyebrow pencil and lip liner are Prestige, from Duane Reade. You see, it’s all very here, there, and wherever! The foundation I’m using is Paula Dorf. People come up to me and say I have such wonderful skin, but I have terrible skin. What I do have is a good visual sense.
Where do you shop?
I don’t like to shop. I buy many things from catalogues. I like Lands’ End and Leon Levin golf shirts and New Balance sneakers.
How long have you been a psychologist?
I’ve been in practice for, oh, my goodness, 40 years, fifteen in London.
Do Brits and Americans have different neuroses?
The defenses are different, but the symptoms are the same. All of us are trying to be connected to other people, and so much of the frustration is being unable to do it. What I do is about repairing the ability to connect with others through this trusting process—first trusting me and then trusting yourself.
What can you tell about your patients from the way they look?
Mostly, you read people by the facial expression and enthusiasm and sparkle that they emanate. If you feel empowered, you carry yourself well. My daughter doesn’t care much for clothes, but she has tremendous style because she has her own presence. That comes from a good role model in the mother.