How would you describe your style?
Kind of modern, kind of old Jewish grandma. I love to wear grandma clothes really tight. Sexy grandma!
What are you wearing today?
The shoes are Miu Miu platform espadrilles that I bought at Beacon’s Closet. I nearly fainted when I saw them. They were $50. The jacket and bag were made by a friend of mine, Judi Rosen. She owns a store called the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on East 9th Street.
What’s in the bag?
Keys to every apartment in New York City because I’m a real-estate broker with Corcoran. And I usually have a hat thrown in there, just in case the moment calls out for a hat.
What kind of moment calls out for a hat?
If it rains. I’m not an umbrella chick.
Do you have a lot of beauty rituals?
I get extensions done at the Sally Hershberger salon by Ryan, and he’s fantastic. I notice that a lot of young gals are very into their hair-removal routine. At a party recently I heard about one girl who gets waxed before she goes to the gynecologist. People think I’m high maintenance if I carry a parasol for the sun, but getting waxed for the gyno—that’s high maintenance. My big thing is that the bush is back, and I don’t mean the president.
Where do you live?
In Bed-Stuy. I just bought a house there, and it’s beautiful. I love it because people really get dressed up out there, like for church.
How do you feel about gentrification?
Look, I work at the Corcoran Group. It’s very difficult to talk about gentrification because even in the middle of Greenwich Village, you have people in the top 1 percent income bracket living beside people who are below the poverty line. It’s not like Kansas City or Los Angeles, where there are people on the other side of the tracks.
Did you always want to sell real estate?
I wanted to be a magician, or an actress. I am also a singer.
What kind?
I sing to my clients. “Sunrise, Sunset.” And I take requests. Sometimes we all sing together.