Kirsten Yadouga, Gap Accessories Designer

Photo: Jake Chessum

What are you doing today?
Shopping. But it’s research.

How’s that?
I design accessories for the Gap—scarves, belts, jewelry, cold-weather things. So I go around the Lower East Side looking at vintage stores and little boutiques.

Can you explain why the Gap accessories store is called Love?
The name was taken from the reactions the products get: Everyone is always like, “I love my bags. Oh, I love my shoes.”

Where did you get this outfit?
I got the dress at a vintage shop in L.A. The shoes and bag are Gap.

Have you gotten a free song for trying on jeans at the Gap?
I’ve tried on a million pairs of jeans, so yes. Now I’m looking for this obscure Tori Amos song called “Cool on Your Island.” I’m holding out for it.

What did you read this summer?
It was all about JT LeRoy. He’s amazing. I would love to see him in person. I could give him some big hats.

What’s going on with your bag?
That’s our little trademark in the accessories department. We don’t leave without lots of stuff hanging from our bags—ribbons, scarves, stuffed animals, pins, charms. Inside the office we call them “boukie.” I don’t know why. It always looks like I have a zoodangling there.

Do you have any accessories advice?
Don’t be too matchy. I never want to see someone with a shoe that goes with her belt that goes with her bag. It’s funny because my mom got me into accessories, and she was of the generation that was into matching. I remember being 3 years old playing dress-up in her crocodile shoes and bag.

What’s your favorite accessory?
My sea-green Balenciaga bag. I’m dying for the Mulberry Roxanne bag—plum. Totally plum.

Any plans for your fall look?
I’m all about stacked-heel boots with a round toe, and I’m loving the English-schoolgirl look, but a bit rough around the edges. I have this military coat—just a black blazer with military buttons and the cotton tape details. I’m dying for it to get just a little bit colder!

Kirsten Yadouga, Gap Accessories Designer