What do you do?
I work for a cosmetic dentist—I tell you if you need veneers, fillings, crowns, braces, whatever. I also go to Hunter, for computer science. I go to work from 9 to 5, and then to school from 5:30 to 11:15. It’s America! You’ve got to survive.
Where are you from?
Ghana. In December, I’ll have been here for eight years. My father was a diplomat at the U.N. After four years, he had to go back, but he didn’t want school to be interrupted for my stepsisters and me, so he left us here.
How old are your stepsisters?
They are 10, 12, and 14. I am 24. I feel like I’m doing something important in my life, helping them. If I could, I would help all the poor people, but I can’t. This, I can do.
Are you strict with them?
I’m a tough woman! But I give them freedom. They’re more conservative than I am.
How do you describe your style?
I just like to wear something nobody’s wearing. This coat is woolen, it’s from H&M. The stockings I bought at Banana Republic this summer, and the hat is from Express. I’m also wearing a short skirt from Bloomingdale’s, a sweater from Zara, and boots from Daffy’s. I’m a real fashion girl. I wanted always to be a supermodel.
Did you ever try modeling?
Yes. When we first came here, my father thought it would be good for me. I did some hair magazines and some fashion shows, but it’s really not easy. That’s why I’m getting a degree.
So who has the world’s best smile?
I do! And it’s all natural. Also, Angelina Jolie has very nice teeth.