Simon Salon
22 E. 66th St.; 212-517-4566
In the age of Japanesestraightening, good conditioning’s vital. SimonSalon’s intensive mud pack is applied thicklyand then lightly steamed for half an hour. The resultis worthy of Rumpelstiltskin himself: straw into silk($35).
Salon Ishi
70 E. 55th St.; 212-888-4744
Men in particular gointo paroxysms of joy during the ShiatsuShampoo—the scalp, neck, and shoulders are deeplymassaged for 45 minutes as the hair is washed andconditioned ($85).
Graceful Services
1097 Second Ave, near 57th St., second fl.;212-593-9904
At $60 for an hour of qi gong, thisis a true city find. The method is strong andrhythmic, with lots of stretches. Better still, youcan turn up after work—or dinner. They’reopen until 10 p.m., and Thursdays till 3 a.m.
Lia Shorr
686 Lexington Ave., near 56th St., fourth fl.;212-486-9670
After a cleansing and exfoliation, amixture of vitamins and ginseng is applied, then hotcompresses help the solution penetrate the skin. Thisis followed by a thorough misting from an oxygen tank.Special rate of $80 through February.
Kristy Streicher at Warren Tricomi
45 Rockefeller Pl., third fl.; 212-218-8650
Aftera quick plucking, optional waxing, and a few secondsof dye, your eyes will startle you (in the mirror)with new definition ($50 for waxing; $51 for tweezingor dyeing).

Dorit Baxter
47 W. 57th St., third fl.; 212-371-4542
The scrubhere is vigorous and thorough, like a massage withsand, and the two most common complaints aboutscrubs—freezing because you are wet and naked,and getting salt in your hair—are avoided: Thebed is heated, and your hair is placed in a cap. Bestof all, at $58, it’s great value.
Josephine Beauty Retreat
200 E. 62nd St.; 212-223-7157
In the winter, youcan’t just throw on your flip-flops after apedicure and stroll home. Josephine offers anexcellent solution: an interim treatment with buffing,massage, and cuticle oil to cheer up existing polish($25).