Authentic biscotti baked by a nice Italian girl from Brooklyn (eight-ounce package, $7.25, fanciullafoods.com).
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Il Laboratorio del Gelato Gelati
Four pints of New York’s premier gelato, plus a dozen sugar cones and a stainless-steel scoop ($75, manhattanfruitier.com).
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Made in Williamsburg, by two Argentine vegans, from amaranth, quinoa, and hemp seeds (twelve-ounce jar, $15, dr-cow.com).
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Pickled Green Beans
A pickle that packs a punch: These beans are brined in wasabi and soy, or cayenne and dill ($10.99 each, rickspicksnyc.com).
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American Wagyu Porterhouse Steak
As densely marbled as Donald Trump’s bathtub (one 24-ounce steak, $146.98, lobels.com).
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Brownie Babies
The perfect portion of dense, fudgy, chocolatey goodness—enough to satisfy, not to stuff ($15 a dozen, fatwitch.com).
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Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Better than homemade and available in dozens of flavors Mom never dreamed of, from tirami su to passion fruit (twelve-cookie box, $25, rubyetviolette.com).
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Kippered Wild White King Salmon
Cold-smoked salmon gets all the glory. Why not convert someone with this stupendously rich baked salmon? ($24 a pound, russanddaughters.com.)
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Chances are even your auntfrom Omaha has grownweary of H&H. Dazzle her with a dozen bialys ($6, kossarsbialys.com).
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Photographs by Kenneth Chen.